🎗️Premium Features

BIDXBOT comprises the following tools:

  1. BUYBOT TOKEN MONITOR: This feature sends real-time messages to the project group when a holder purchases the project's token from any available exchange such as JExchange, Xexchange, Onedex, etc. Among the information transmitted are the number of tokens purchased, the buyer's identity, and a redirect link to the transaction.

  2. BUY AND SALE NFTs monitor: This feature sends real-time messages to the project's Telegram group when an NFT from the set collection is sold, providing community data about the price, buyer, and seller.

Both features have two types of subscriptions:

  • Standard: 0.15 EGLD, payable every 30 days, automatically renewed if you have sufficient EGLD in your bot wallet, and transmits simple messages without any additional benefits.

  • Premium: 0.24 EGLD, payable once upon activation of services and remains valid forever. This subscription offers a wide variety of features for BUYBOT TOKEN, including buttons with GIF/logo, website, Twitter, chart, buy, etc.

  1. MultiversX Trending:

The latest feature immerses you in the world of competition where organic 15 out of all tokens from MultiversX can reach based on the cumulative volume in the last 24 hours. This feature, which is a Telegram channel, also provides important signals including:

  • Trending by Volume: Discover the hottest trends.

  • New Pairs, Initial LP, Add/Remove LP, Swap Details: Stay updated on token ownership, LP percentage, pair smart contracts, and more, across platforms like @Onedex and @Xexchange, with updates as fast as 6 seconds.

  • Future updates will also notify you if an LP has been burned.

Last updated